(502) 363-9087
1207 Hart Avenue, Louisville, KY 40213

Emergency Assistance

MUSCL can provide limited financial assistance to residents in portions of 40213, 40217, 40218, 40219, and 40229 zip codes. These funds are made available through local utilities, government grants and generous donations from our member churches and concerned citizens.

Residents in crisis may request assistance with utility bills and rent. To begin the application process, click the button below or, call MUSCL at (502) 363-9087. Assistance is limited and there are strict qualifications for each type of assistance:
This application is in the testing phase. It is not currently being monitored by MUSCL staff nor does it actually apply for assistance. If you have stumbled upon this page and are needing assistance, call MUSCL at (502) 363-9087. This message will remain until the online application is approved for use by MUSCL staff.

LG&E Assistance

Clients must have a utility bill under threat of Disconnection. Applicants are required to present a current “brown bill” from the utility as part of the application process.

Louisville Water Company

Clients qualify if water has been shut off, the bill is past due, or a disconnection notice has been received. Applicants are required to present a current bill from Louisville Water as part of the application process.

Rental / Mortgage Assistance

Rent and Mortgage assistance is available and only payable to a certified Landlord in the Louisville area. Apply for Assistance to begin the qualification process.

Typical Application

This is a very detailed application process. You will be asked to provide documentation for most every question. Please provide that information quickly to ensure timely assistance. If you are missing a document or do not have that particular document, please contact our office to see what documents are could be substituted. Here is a list of documents typically needed to complete an application:
  • Drivers License
  • Social Security cards for everyone in the home (Passports may be accepted if you do not have a S.S. card)
  • Lease documents and Landlord's W-9 for Rental Assistance
  • Mortgage Statement or Property Tax Bill
  • Most Recent Food Stamp Letter
  • Section 8 Assistance paperwork
  • Proof for All Previous Months Income
  • LG&E Disconnect Bill or Green Bill
  • Louisville Water Disconnect Bill
Metro Louisville
LG&E and KU
Louisville Water

For those living outside the MUSCL service area who need assistance, see the directory of the Association of Community Ministries.

© 2023 MUSCL. All rights reserved.

Assistance Request Form